Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Max's First Haircut

Poor baby Max was in desperate need to get about 20 hairs cut! Haha. He had these wings behind each ear and a lil horn on top of his head. Michael absolutely hated them and I hated to get my baby's haircut. Haircuts mean they are getting big and I'm not quite ready for that!! McClain also got his hair did. He is quite the pro these days.

Max's before pic. You can see the wings! Poor Bubby.

Mc the ladies man. I'm pretty sure and scared that he has flirting down already...

Such a big boy

My baby's wings

He sat so patiently


The after shots... Mc got rewarded with candy (starburst are his favorite...thanks Grammy) Mc has this thing with making his "serious" face for the camera....

Max really wanted his bub's candy

Mc thought about sharing

but then thought again and ate it

1 comment:

  1. My boys LOVE getting their haircut too~they both so a great job! Also the poor baby Max he definitely needed it!
